This website is out of date. I am currently in the process of rebuilding it, starting with the Russian version and then moving on to the English, German, and French parts. I hope to be done by the end of…
Movements and Monuments
This website is out of date. I am currently in the process of rebuilding it, starting with the Russian version and then moving on to the English, German, and French parts. I hope to be done by the end of…
I have recently started receiving e-mails from correspondents in the United States with pronouns listed in their signatures. This practice has started as a way to feel transgender people feel more included, a goal I fully support. In addition, however,…
On 9 May 2013, my colleagues and I studied visitors to the Treptower Park Soviet war memorial using interviews, photos, and cartography. (Overall we recorded 92 interviews at five Soviet memorial sites in Berlin on 8-9 May 2013, in German,…
My page on academic freedom in the former Soviet Union now has an updated list of links to pages in English, Russian, German, and other languages pertaining to the Levada Center cases and other attacks on social science institutions. Corrections…
UPD: Same list in English (thanks to Anna Sevortian for pointing this out). has the most reliable list (in Russian) of NGOs already subject to accusations of being “foreign agents.” The list includes 51 organizations so far and is…
Independent social science is once more under attack in Russia. It feels uncannily like early 2008, when the European University at Saint Petersburg was shut down for several weeks and an international solidarity campaign contributed to saving it. Only this…