From 2005 to 2009, the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen published an online periodical titled kultura—Russian Cultural Review. A total of 28 issues came out, each of them in both German and English. I was actively involved in the project as a member of kultura’s advisory board, but also as a translator and copy editor. I also guest edited several issues.
kultura’s website did not survive a software update. Therefore, with kind permission from the Research Centre for East European Studies, I am making the entire run of kultura available via this page. There are also plans to store them permanently in the OstDok repository.
The issues I put together as guest editor are marked with an asterisk (*). Other issues to which I contributed essays are marked with a silcrow (§).
§ 2009, no. 4: Faschismusbilder in der zeitgenössischen russischen Kultur | Images of Fascism in Contemporary Russian Culture
2009, no. 3: Der Siegesmarsch des Geldes | The Triumph of Money
2009, no. 2: Orthodoxe Kultur in Russland. Von den Schwierigkeiten, an eine vergangene Tradition anzuknüpfen | Orthodox Culture in Russia. The Difficulties of Connecting with a Lost Tradition
2009, no. 1: Aufzeichnungen aus dem virtuellen Untergrund. Russische Literatur im Internet | Notes from the Virtual Underground. Russian Literature on the Internet
2008, no. 6: Glamouröses Russland | Glamorous Russia
2008, no. 5: Generation 21. Jahrhundert: Neue Kindheit in Russland | Generation 21st Century: New Childhood in Russia
2008, no. 4: Meister im Überleben. Russlands Bibliotheken heute | Consummate Survivors. Russia’s Libraries Today
2008, no. 3: Das neue Moskau zwischen Neoklassik und High-tech | The New Moscow between Neo-Classicism and High Tech
2008, no. 2: Russland unter dem Regenbogen: Wie Queer-sein verhandelt wird | How Should We Read Queer Russia?
2008, no. 1: Spielregeln des Geschichtsstreits in Russland | The Rules of the Game in the Argument on History
2007, no. 4: Wie frei sind die Künste im heutigen Russland | How Free are the Arts in Russia Today?
2007, no. 3: Wenn der Doppeladler Hanteln stemmt: Sport und Gesellschaft in Russland | When the Doubleheaded Eagle Pumps Iron: Sport and Society in Russia
2007, no. 2: Bühnen des grotesken Körpers | Stages of the Grotesque Body
2007, no. 1: Gestaltungsräume: Exkursionen zum Thema Freizeit in Russland | Spaces of Creativity: Excursions into the Realm of Leisure
§ 2006, no. 12: Kultureller Grenzverkehr – Übersetzen in Russland | Crossing Cultural Boundaries – Translation in Russia
2006, no. 11: Das russische Theater zwischen Tradition und Erneuerung | Russian Theatre between Tradition and Revival
2006, no. 10: Sprache und gesellschaftlicher Wandel: Neue Tendenzen im Russischen | Language and Social Change: New Tendencies in the Russian Language
* 2006, no. 9: Der Islamische Neubeginn in Russland | The Islamic Revival in Russia
2006, no. 7-8: Im Bann des grünen Drachen. Trinkkultur in Russland | Dancing with the Demon Drink. Drinking Cultures in Russia
2006, no. 6: Aus (post)sowjetischen Lebenswelten | Glimpses of (Post)Soviet Lifestyles
* 2006, no. 5: Populäre Musik in Russland | Popular Music in Russia
2006, no. 4: Neue Wege des Dialogs zwischen Kunst und Gesellschaft | New Forms of Dialogue between Art and Society
* 2006, no. 3: Kriegsdiskurse im heutigen Russland | Discourses on War in Russia Today
2006, no. 2: Regionale Identitäten in Russland | Regional Identities in Russia
2006, no. 1: Von Bestellern und Blockbustern | On Bestsellers and Blockbusters
2005, no. 3: Erinnerungskultur in Russland – 60 Jahre Kriegsende | The Culture of Memory in Russia 60 Years after the End of the Second World War
2005, no. 2: Städtische Jugendkulturen und Wertewandel in Russland | Urban Youth Cultures and Changing Values in Russia
2005, no. 1: Neue Räume intellektuellen und kulturellen Lebens in Russland | New Places of Intellectual and Cultural Life in Russia